Bundle agent webhuis nl

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This is an example of a role used in the system. It is the role of a backup and recovery server that serves other hosts in the domain.

# Webhuis domain bundle webhuis_nl
# Copyright (C) 2008 Martin Simons, Webhuis. Renkum The Netherlands
# This source code is licensed under the GNU General Public License, Version 2.
# See http://webhuis.nl/GPL-license for more details.

bundle agent webhuis_nl {


        "dns"         slist => {"ns1", "ns2"};
        "idns"        slist => {"nsid1", "nsid2"};
        "ttl"        string => "300";
        "network"    string => "";
        "mask"       string => "";

        "mldap"       slist => {"ldapm1", "ldapm2"};
        "ldap"        slist => {"ldap1", "ldap2"};
        "resolvers"   slist => { "", "" };
        "searchlist" string => "webhuis.nl";

        "nfs_host"   string => "bur.webhuis.nl";
        "nfs_backup" string => "/var/nfs4exports/backups";

        "ntp_pool"   string => "nl.pool.ntp.org";
        "ntp_master"  slist => { "1", "2", "3" };
        "restrict"    slist => { "${g.ip_address}", "", "::1" };

        "ntp_pool"   string => "${sys.domain}";
        "ntp_master"  slist => { "ntp-01", "ntp-02" };
        "restrict"    slist => { "", "::1" };


   "any" usebundle => get_template("ntp.conf.tmpl");
   "any" usebundle => ntp_conf;

   "any" usebundle => get_template("resolv.conf.tmpl");
   "any" usebundle => resolv_conf;

   "any" usebundle => mnt_common_backups;


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