Bundle agent update

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Dynamic CCFEngine3 requires the update bundle to pull information specific to the domain, host and role into the input_webhuis branch on the node. The node should only have the required bundles and therefore purging of obsolete files is set.

# Webhuis agent update, applicable to all hosts
# Copyright (C) 2008 Martin Simons, Webhuis. Renkum The Netherlands
# This source code is licensed under the GNU General Public License, Version 2.
# See http://webhuis.nl/GPL-license for more details.

bundle agent update {

           comment => "Copy policy updates from master source on policy server if a new validation was acquired",
            handle => "update_files_inputs_dir",
         copy_from => u_secure_cp("${g.master_location}","${sys.policy_hub}"),
      depth_search => u_recurse("inf"),
      file_select  => u_inputfiles,
            action => u_immediate;

           comment => "Copy domain policy updates from master source on policy server if a new validation was acquired",
            handle => "update_files_inputs_domain_dir",
         copy_from => u_secure_cp("${g.master_domain}/${sys.domain}/${sys.domain}.cf","${sys.policy_hub}"),
      file_select  => u_inputdomain,
            action => u_immediate;

           comment => "Copy host policy updates from master source on policy server if a new validation was acquired",
            handle => "update_files_inputs_host_dir",
         copy_from => u_secure_cp("${g.master_domain}/${sys.domain}/${sys.uqhost}.cf","${sys.policy_hub}"),
      file_select  => u_inputhost,
            action => u_immediate;

           comment => "Copy roles updates from master source on policy server if a new validation was acquired",
            handle => "update_files_inputs_role_dir",
         copy_from => u_secure_cp("${g.master_roles}/${role.role}.cf","${sys.policy_hub}"),
      file_select  => u_inputfiles,
            action => u_immediate;

           comment => "Copy components updates from master source on policy server if a new validation was acquired",
            handle => "update_files_inputs_components_dir",
         copy_from => u_secure_cp("/var/cfengine/webhuis/components/${${g.role}.input}","${sys.policy_hub}"),
      file_select  => u_inputfiles,
            action => u_immediate;

body copy_from u_secure_cp(from,server)
 source      => "$(from)";
 servers     => { "$(sys.policy_hub)" };
 trustkey    => "false";
 encrypt     => "true";
 purge       => "true";


body action u_immediate
 ifelapsed => "0";


body depth_search u_recurse(d)
 depth => "$(d)";
 exclude_dirs => { "\.svn", "\.git" };

body file_select u_inputfiles
 leaf_name => { ".*.cf",".*.dat",".*.txt" };
 file_result => "leaf_name";

body file_select u_inputdomain
 leaf_name => { ".*.cf",".*.dat",".*.txt" };
 file_result => "leaf_name";

body file_select u_inputhost
 leaf_name => { ".*.cf",".*.dat",".*.txt" };
 file_result => "leaf_name";

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