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(Starting point)
(Git repository)
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= Git repository =
= Git repository =
We are in the process of merging the existing Debian code with the code of CFengine 3.5.1. We have to determine whether it is still useful to do the merge because of the extent of the changes to the code, in fact we skipped CFengine versions 3.1 thru 3.4. It might be beyond the point where it adds to the process if we add CFengine 3.5 to this repository.
We are in the process of merging the existing Debian code with the code of CFengine 3.5.2. We have to determine whether it is still useful to do the merge because of the extent of the changes to the code, in fact we skipped CFengine versions 3.1 thru 3.4. It might be beyond the point where it adds to the process if we add CFengine 3.5 to this repository.
We aim at building a current CFengine release for Debian stable, but it would be helpful to the process if we decide to have a testing branch, or daily build branch, as well. We would add newer versions to the Debian repository each time CFengine releases a version we want to Debianize. Having this approach would prevent us to be in the lagging like we are now.
We aim at building a current CFengine release for Debian stable, but it would be helpful to the process if we decide to have a testing branch, or daily build branch, as well. We would add newer versions to the Debian repository each time CFengine releases a version we want to Debianize. Having this approach would prevent us to be in the lagging like we are now.

Revision as of 14:41, 14 September 2013

Provisional page for the CFEngine Debian-team

Eventually we would like it to all be on github, but a start is a start. We will copy the content to github any suitable moment.

Git repository


We are in the process of merging the existing Debian code with the code of CFengine 3.5.2. We have to determine whether it is still useful to do the merge because of the extent of the changes to the code, in fact we skipped CFengine versions 3.1 thru 3.4. It might be beyond the point where it adds to the process if we add CFengine 3.5 to this repository.

We aim at building a current CFengine release for Debian stable, but it would be helpful to the process if we decide to have a testing branch, or daily build branch, as well. We would add newer versions to the Debian repository each time CFengine releases a version we want to Debianize. Having this approach would prevent us to be in the lagging like we are now.

Mission Statement

To produce a high quality, current, Debian native CFEngine package suitable for inclusion directly in Debian stable release.

Starting point

The starting point seems so have been moving. At the start (20130728) of the Debian-team initiative the offical Cfengine Debian stable release was related to CFengine 3.0.5. Recently a new version was introduced, Cfengine3 3.2.4-2+nmu1, this is a Non Maintainer Upload.
The official Debian point of view with regards to NMU is:
A non-maintainer upload (NMU) is an upload of a package to the debian archive by a developer who is not the maintainer of the package. This should usually not be the case, but in special cases (such as for RC bugs, when the maintainer does not respond to the bug report) it is allowed. See Non Maitainer Upload.

Integrating 3.5.2

CFengine is at 3.5.2 these days and has major changes and improvements with regards to stability and functionailty. We the Debian-team decided to build the native CFengine 3.5.2 Debian stable Wheezy package and are still looking for ways with the Debian maintainer.
The Cfengine project have been working very hard and a lot has changed in the code. There is a huge delta between the two lines of code, 3.2.4-2+nmu1 and 3.5.2.
One of our first goals is the integration of the new code line into the main line.


  • preconditions
  • scope
  • risks
  • gouvernance
  • relationships to the commercial edtion and third party solutions
  • Planning and milestones to be obeserved


  • As much as possible cfengine-core should support Debian natively
    • Prefer patching cfengine rather than Debian
    • Use IFDEF where necessary
  • Strictly adhere to Debian packaging policies
    • Debian FHS layout

Creating a buildable debian package should be as easy as obtaining the cfengine source and dropping in the debian directory.

      • Notable directory relocations:
        • /var/log/cfagent.NODENAME.log and /var/log/cf3.HOSTNAME.runlog
        • /var/run/COMPONENT for PID files
        • all the examples should point to $(sys.inputdir) and $(sys.masterdir) and so on
        • executables under /usr/sbin (need to adjust sys.bindir)
        • sys.masterdir = /var/lib/cfengine3/masterfiles
        • sys.inputdir = /etc/cfengine3
        • links: etc/cfengine3 var/lib/cfengine3/inputs and usr/sbin var/lib/cfengine3/bin
        • configure line:
                             ./configure --enable-shared=no \
                               --without-nova \
                               --without-constellation \
                               --prefix=/usr \
                               --with-sql=no \
                               --with-workdir=/var/lib/cfengine3 \
                               --mandir=\$${prefix}/share/man \
                               --infodir=\$${prefix}/share/info \
                               --htmldir=\$${prefix}/share/doc/cfengine3/html \
                               CFLAGS="$(CFLAGS)" LDFLAGS="-Wl,-z,defs"
      • daemons not started on install, need to edit /etc/default/cfengine3

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