Provisional page for the CFEngine Debian-team
Eventually we would like it to all be on github, but a start is a start. We will copy the content to github any suitable moment.
Git repository
We are in the process of merging the existing Debian code with the code of CFengine 3.5.1. We have to determine whether it is still useful to do the merge because of the extent of the changes to the code. It might be beyond the point where it adds to the process.
Mission Statement
To produce a high quality, current, Debian native CFEngine package suitable for inclusion directly in Debian stable release.
Starting point
The Debian CFengine release now (20130728) relates to CFengine 3.0.5. CFengine is at 3.5 these days and has major changes and improvements with regards to stability and functionailty. We the Debian-team decided to build the native CFengine 3.5.1. Debian stable Wheezy package.
- preconditions
- scope
- risks
- gouvernance
- relationships to the commercial edtion and third party solutions
- Planning and milestones to be obeserved
- As much as possible cfengine-core should support Debian natively
- Prefer patching cfengine rather than Debian
- Use IFDEF where necessary
- Strictly adhere to Debian packaging policies
- Debian FHS layout
Creating a buildable debian package should be as easy as obtaining the cfengine source and dropping in the debian directory.
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