The CFEngine Roadshow is a complete and comprehensive set of CFEngine3 example policies.
In the CFEngine Roadshow every host has a purpose in life, the role, independent from the platform and the environment it lives in. A role is a logical declaration of a use case. The entire process of self configuration as an autonomous voluntary is agent is carried out along the definition of the role. The role uses CFEngine's hard classes to connect to the implementing policies. Data has an important share in the configuration process because it provides the agent with all the external data it needs along the lines of its role. The CFEngine Roadshow allows the agents to exchange messages that contain configuration data, delivered by Data.
Messaging and Data
Convergence is one of the key concepts of CFEngine and The CFEngine Roadshow is designed to convergently work towards the desired state.
Therefore The CFEngine Roadshow heavily relies onthis principle.
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