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> (with promise theory) and 0mq.
> (with promise theory) and 0mq.
Source: http://lists.zeromq.org/pipermail/zeromq-dev/2011-February/009491.html
Source: http://lists.zeromq.org/pipermail/zeromq-dev/2011-February/009491.html<br/><br/>
This part of the Webhuis CFEngine initiative is research and therefore subject to change. :-)<br/>
This part of the Webhuis CFEngine initiative is research and therefore subject to change. :-)<br/>
It is the objective to have messaging incorporated in CFEngine and thus enabling nodes, by cf-agent that is, to send out messages to whatever listeners out there. The listeners can be cf-messages daemons or other nodes configured to process messages delivered by CFEngine Nodes.<br/>
It is the objective to have messaging incorporated in CFEngine and thus enabling nodes, by cf-agent that is, to send out messages to whatever listeners out there. The listeners can be cf-messages daemons or other nodes configured to process messages delivered by CFEngine Nodes.<br/>
Line 10: Line 10:
So let's go and deliver that kill!
So let's go and deliver that kill!
= Nodes and messaging =
When adding messages as a feature to CFEngine different positions with regards to messages exist.
* Nodes carrying information they are willing to share
* Nodes willing to process the information Nodes are willing to share
== Nodes sharing information ==
Information sharing nodes need a method that enables them to send the information they are willing to share. In the analysis use cases of types of messages have to be mapped on the basic patterns. The listeners mirror the nodes mappings.
Nodes carry different kinds of information
* Common information
* Static information
* Dynamic Information
* State Information
In the current design of CFEngine the cf-agent then has to be extended with a promise type: messages:<br/><br/>
It goes withoout saying that messaging needs authentication and autorization mechanisms.
=== Example CFEngine message policy ===
bundle agent cf_message {
"role" string => "x2gvdt";
"host_info" data => parsejson('
"host": { "uqhost": "$(sys.uqhost)", "domain": "$(sys.domain)", "role": "$(role)" },
"host_store" string => storejson(host_info);
"/root/client-synchronous-request-response.py '${host_store}'";
"${this.bundle} host_store: ${host_store}";
body common control {
bundlesequence => { cf_message };
inputs => { "/var/cfengine/inputs/lib/3.6/stdlib.cf" };
Mind the single quotes around the parameter string being the json container, when ommitted the quotes around the keys and values will be lost.
=== Message Delivery ===
We use Python to do the messaging until an alternative in C is available (work in progress). 0mq is the first messaging system to consider, others may follow. This is the Python script the agent uses to send a message:
import sys
import zmq
context = zmq.Context()
# Socket to talk to server
print("Connecting to server...")
socket = context.socket(zmq.REQ)
message = ''
# sys.argv[0] is the program filename, slice it off
for element in sys.argv[1:]:
message = message + element
print("Sending request %s ..." % message )
socket.send( message )
# Get the reply.
response = socket.recv()
print( response )
== Templates, Schemas or ? ==
Messages need to be structured.
* Identity
* Version
* Envelope
* Encryption
* Signature
With CFEngine we have mechanisms in place for editing templates.
=== Identified Schemas ===
The following Schemas have been identified so far:
* Host
* Domain
* Role
* Network
* Time zone
Schemas are templates for Data, thus enabling a mechanism to provision data to Nodes.
=== messages: ===
The messages promise type is an abstract messaging method. It enables the agent to send messages to whatever listener is around in the Universe. The data type of a message is a container, and the stucture is:
"message_schema_id": {
"message_id": "$(message_id)",
"content": "$(content)",
"version": "$(version)"
== Information processing Nodes ==
Information processing Nodes receive their information through message feeds and for their part may be willing to share their information through views. Data would be an information processing Node, relying on a defined set of feeds, an information processing process that builds the Universal Truth and defined autorized views that share the information stored.
=== cf-messaged ===
In this proof of concept the listener simply adds every message to a file, queue.txt as were it a queue. Nodes in fect feed the listener with information and the listener knows how to process incoming messages. Feeds are input schemas. The example uses the typical Zeromq port 5555, but why would we not use a more typical CFEngine port 5309?
import time
import zmq
context = zmq.Context()
socket = context.socket(zmq.REP)
response = "message received"
while True:
# Wait for next request from client
message = socket.recv()
print("Received request: %s " % message)
# Do some 'work'
with open("queue.txt", "a") as queue:
queue.write(message + "\n")
# Send reply back to client
socket.send( response )
The output would be:
root@wbhs-pkg:~# tail -F queue.txt
When a message is received the daemon places the message in a local queue for processing. The sending node receives a hard coded response "message received", but this could be any response as a result on the side of the listener. The response is useful when it triggers the node to supply more information in more messages.
= 0mq =
= 0mq =
CFEngine Enterprise offers messaging to some degree. Nodes share information they hold with the Policy Hub. This information can be
The search for a suitable messaging mechanism eventually led to 0mq, just a library not an application. Could it be less in weight?<br/>
* Patches of installed software
For reasons of symplicity the code examples, so far are in Python. CFEngine is independent of anything but libc and thus the end results of CFEngine messaging have to be developed in C.
* State of the Nodes with regards to promises fulfilled
* Configuration information (CMDB)
Outside this context, however, there is no method available to the agent to share any information it is willing to share, with a monitoring system for instance.<br/>
There are many messaging systems around and CFEngine should be able to interface with any of them, but in the initial stages the need is for a very light weight messaging system. The search for a suitable messaging mechanism eventually led to 0mq, just a library not an application. Could it be less in weight?<br/>
For reasons of simplicity the code examples, so far are in Python. CFEngine is independent of anything but libc and thus the end results of CFEngine messaging have to be developed in C.
== Information sources ==
* http://nichol.as/zeromq-an-introduction
* https://github.com/zeromq/pyzmq/issues/132
* Author: Lev Givon <lev(at)columbia(dot)edu>
* http://blog.pythonisito.com/2012/08/distributed-systems-with-zeromq.html
* http://blog.scottlogic.com/2015/03/20/ZeroMQ-Quick-Intro.html
* http://lists.zeromq.org/pipermail/zeromq-dev/2011-February/009490.html
== Basic patterns ==
== Basic patterns ==
ZeroMQ comes with 5 basic patterns
ZeroMQ comes with five basic patterns
* Synchronous Request/Response
* Synchronous Request/Response
* Asynchronous Request/Response
* Asynchronous Request/Response
Line 20: Line 176:
* Push/Pull
* Push/Pull
* Exclusive Pair
* Exclusive Pair
Clients and servers can take the role of server, being the one that is listening on a certain socket, IP address and port number, to incoming requests. When it comes to exchanging messages the most stable one is chosen to be the listener.
== Synchronous Request/Response ==
== Synchronous Request/Response ==
This is the client server model and the most basic pattern. The client sends a request to the server and the server replies to the request. Other names are Request Reply
=== Sample Message ===
=== Example Code ===
Client Requests
Client Requests
Line 48: Line 211:
== Asynchronous Request/Response ==
== Asynchronous Request/Response ==
=== Example Code ===
== Publish/Subscribe ==
== Publish/Subscribe ==
This is comparable to broadcasting.
=== Example Code ===
Server publishes
Server publishes
Line 92: Line 260:
== Push/Pull ==
== Push/Pull ==
In the official 0mq documentation this pattern is referred to as Parallel Pipeline.
=== Example Code ===
# The ventilator
# Binds PUSH socket to tcp://localhost:5557
# Sends batch of tasks to workers via that socket
import zmq
import random
import time
context = zmq.Context()
# Socket to send messages on
sender = context.socket(zmq.PUSH)
# Socket with direct access to the sink: used to syncronize start of batch
sink = context.socket(zmq.PUSH)
except NameError:
# Python 3
raw_input = input
print("Press Enter when the workers are ready: ")
_ = raw_input()
print("Sending tasks to workers...")
# The first message is "0" and signals start of batch
# Initialize random number generator
# Send 100 tasks
total_msec = 0
for task_nbr in range(100):
# Random workload from 1 to 100 msecs
workload = random.randint(1, 100)
total_msec += workload
sender.send_string(u'%i' % workload)
print("Total expected cost: %s msec" % total_msec)
# Give 0MQ time to deliver
# Worker
# Connects PULL socket to tcp://
# Collects workloads from ventilator via that socket
# Connects PUSH socket to tcp://
# Sends results to sink via that socket
import sys
import time
import zmq
context = zmq.Context()
# Socket to receive messages on
receiver = context.socket(zmq.PULL)
# Socket to send messages to
sender = context.socket(zmq.PUSH)
# Process tasks forever
while True:
s = receiver.recv()
# Simple progress indicator for the viewer
# Do the work
# Send results to sink
# Sink
# Binds PULL socket to tcp://
# Collects results from worker via that socket
import sys
import time
import zmq
context = zmq.Context()
# Socket to receive messages on
receiver = context.socket(zmq.PULL)
# Wait for start of batch
s = receiver.recv()
# Start our clock now
tstart = time.time()
# Process 100 confirmations
total_msec = 0
for task_nbr in range(100):
s = receiver.recv()
if task_nbr % 10 == 0:
# Calculate and report duration of batch
tend = time.time()
print("Total elapsed time: %d msec" % ((tend-tstart)*1000))
== Exclusive Pair ==
== Exclusive Pair ==
=== Example Code ===
import zmq
# ZeroMQ Context
context = zmq.Context()
# Define the socket using the "Context"
socket = context.socket(zmq.PAIR)
import zmq
# ZeroMQ Context
context = zmq.Context()
# Define the socket using the "Context"
socket = context.socket(zmq.PAIR)
Return to: [[CFEngine]]

Latest revision as of 14:58, 1 June 2022

> what would be killer is a combination of the latest cfengine
> (with promise theory) and 0mq.

Source: http://lists.zeromq.org/pipermail/zeromq-dev/2011-February/009491.html

This part of the Webhuis CFEngine initiative is research and therefore subject to change. :-)
It is the objective to have messaging incorporated in CFEngine and thus enabling nodes, by cf-agent that is, to send out messages to whatever listeners out there. The listeners can be cf-messages daemons or other nodes configured to process messages delivered by CFEngine Nodes.
CFEngine will need to implement a new promise type: messages:.
Parts of the works is to be transferred to and discussions will take place on:


So let's go and deliver that kill!

Nodes and messaging

When adding messages as a feature to CFEngine different positions with regards to messages exist.

  • Nodes carrying information they are willing to share
  • Nodes willing to process the information Nodes are willing to share

Nodes sharing information

Information sharing nodes need a method that enables them to send the information they are willing to share. In the analysis use cases of types of messages have to be mapped on the basic patterns. The listeners mirror the nodes mappings. Nodes carry different kinds of information

  • Common information
  • Static information
  • Dynamic Information
  • State Information

In the current design of CFEngine the cf-agent then has to be extended with a promise type: messages:

It goes withoout saying that messaging needs authentication and autorization mechanisms.

Example CFEngine message policy

bundle agent cf_message {

  "role"        string => "x2gvdt";
  "host_info"     data => parsejson('
         "host": { "uqhost": "$(sys.uqhost)", "domain": "$(sys.domain)", "role": "$(role)" },

  "host_store"      string => storejson(host_info);


  "/root/client-synchronous-request-response.py '${host_store}'";


  "${this.bundle} host_store: ${host_store}";


body common control {

bundlesequence => { cf_message };

inputs => { "/var/cfengine/inputs/lib/3.6/stdlib.cf" };


Mind the single quotes around the parameter string being the json container, when ommitted the quotes around the keys and values will be lost.

Message Delivery

We use Python to do the messaging until an alternative in C is available (work in progress). 0mq is the first messaging system to consider, others may follow. This is the Python script the agent uses to send a message:


import sys
import zmq

context = zmq.Context()

#  Socket to talk to server
print("Connecting to server...")
socket = context.socket(zmq.REQ)

message = ''
# sys.argv[0] is the program filename, slice it off
for element in sys.argv[1:]:
  message = message + element

print("Sending request %s ..." % message )
socket.send( message )

#  Get the reply.
response = socket.recv()
print( response )

Templates, Schemas or ?

Messages need to be structured.

  • Identity
  • Version
  • Envelope
  • Encryption
  • Signature

With CFEngine we have mechanisms in place for editing templates.

Identified Schemas

The following Schemas have been identified so far:

  • Host
  • Domain
  • Role
  • Network
  • Time zone
  • DNS
  • LDAP

Schemas are templates for Data, thus enabling a mechanism to provision data to Nodes.


The messages promise type is an abstract messaging method. It enables the agent to send messages to whatever listener is around in the Universe. The data type of a message is a container, and the stucture is:

  "message_schema_id": {
    "message_id": "$(message_id)",
    "content": "$(content)",
    "version": "$(version)"

Information processing Nodes

Information processing Nodes receive their information through message feeds and for their part may be willing to share their information through views. Data would be an information processing Node, relying on a defined set of feeds, an information processing process that builds the Universal Truth and defined autorized views that share the information stored.


In this proof of concept the listener simply adds every message to a file, queue.txt as were it a queue. Nodes in fect feed the listener with information and the listener knows how to process incoming messages. Feeds are input schemas. The example uses the typical Zeromq port 5555, but why would we not use a more typical CFEngine port 5309?

import time
import zmq

context = zmq.Context()
socket = context.socket(zmq.REP)

response = "message received"
while True:
    #  Wait for next request from client
    message = socket.recv()
    print("Received request: %s " % message)

    #  Do some 'work'

    with open("queue.txt", "a") as queue:
      queue.write(message + "\n")

    #  Send reply back to client
    socket.send( response )

The output would be:

root@wbhs-pkg:~# tail -F queue.txt 

When a message is received the daemon places the message in a local queue for processing. The sending node receives a hard coded response "message received", but this could be any response as a result on the side of the listener. The response is useful when it triggers the node to supply more information in more messages.


CFEngine Enterprise offers messaging to some degree. Nodes share information they hold with the Policy Hub. This information can be

  • Patches of installed software
  • State of the Nodes with regards to promises fulfilled
  • Configuration information (CMDB)

Outside this context, however, there is no method available to the agent to share any information it is willing to share, with a monitoring system for instance.
There are many messaging systems around and CFEngine should be able to interface with any of them, but in the initial stages the need is for a very light weight messaging system. The search for a suitable messaging mechanism eventually led to 0mq, just a library not an application. Could it be less in weight?
For reasons of simplicity the code examples, so far are in Python. CFEngine is independent of anything but libc and thus the end results of CFEngine messaging have to be developed in C.

Information sources

Basic patterns

ZeroMQ comes with five basic patterns

  • Synchronous Request/Response
  • Asynchronous Request/Response
  • Publish/Subscribe
  • Push/Pull
  • Exclusive Pair

Clients and servers can take the role of server, being the one that is listening on a certain socket, IP address and port number, to incoming requests. When it comes to exchanging messages the most stable one is chosen to be the listener.

Synchronous Request/Response

This is the client server model and the most basic pattern. The client sends a request to the server and the server replies to the request. Other names are Request Reply

Sample Message

Example Code

Client Requests

socket = context.socket(zmq.REQ)

#  Do 10 requests, waiting each time for a response
print("Sending request %s ..." % request)

#  Get the reply.
message = socket.recv()
print("Received reply %s [ %s ]" % (request, message))

Server Replies

socket = context.socket(zmq.REP)

#  Wait for next request from client
message = socket.recv()
print("Received request: %s" % message)

#  Send reply back to client

Asynchronous Request/Response

Example Code


This is comparable to broadcasting.

Example Code

Server publishes

ctx = zmq.Context()
publisher = ctx.socket(zmq.PUB)



sequence = 0
id = 0
data =1000

while sequence < 20:
  id += 1;
  data += 1000;
  publisher.send("%i %i %i" % (sequence, id, data));
  sequence += 1

Client subscriber receives

context = zmq.Context()
socket = context.socket(zmq.SUB)

print("Collecting updates from server...")

socket.setsockopt(zmq.SUBSCRIBE, b'')

for update_nbr in range(5):
    string = socket.recv_string()
    print string


0 1 2000
1 2 3000
2 3 4000
3 4 5000
4 5 6000


In the official 0mq documentation this pattern is referred to as Parallel Pipeline.

Example Code

# The ventilator
# Binds PUSH socket to tcp://localhost:5557
# Sends batch of tasks to workers via that socket

import zmq
import random
import time

context = zmq.Context()

# Socket to send messages on
sender = context.socket(zmq.PUSH)

# Socket with direct access to the sink: used to syncronize start of batch
sink = context.socket(zmq.PUSH)

except NameError:
    # Python 3
    raw_input = input

print("Press Enter when the workers are ready: ")
_ = raw_input()
print("Sending tasks to workers...")

# The first message is "0" and signals start of batch

# Initialize random number generator

# Send 100 tasks
total_msec = 0
for task_nbr in range(100):

    # Random workload from 1 to 100 msecs
    workload = random.randint(1, 100)
    total_msec += workload

    sender.send_string(u'%i' % workload)

print("Total expected cost: %s msec" % total_msec)

# Give 0MQ time to deliver

# Worker
# Connects PULL socket to tcp://
# Collects workloads from ventilator via that socket
# Connects PUSH socket to tcp://
# Sends results to sink via that socket

import sys
import time
import zmq

context = zmq.Context()

# Socket to receive messages on
receiver = context.socket(zmq.PULL)

# Socket to send messages to
sender = context.socket(zmq.PUSH)

# Process tasks forever
while True:
    s = receiver.recv()

    # Simple progress indicator for the viewer

    # Do the work

    # Send results to sink

# Sink
# Binds PULL socket to tcp://
# Collects results from worker via that socket

import sys
import time
import zmq

context = zmq.Context()

# Socket to receive messages on
receiver = context.socket(zmq.PULL)

# Wait for start of batch
s = receiver.recv()

# Start our clock now
tstart = time.time()

# Process 100 confirmations
total_msec = 0
for task_nbr in range(100):
    s = receiver.recv()
    if task_nbr % 10 == 0:

# Calculate and report duration of batch
tend = time.time()
print("Total elapsed time: %d msec" % ((tend-tstart)*1000))

Exclusive Pair

Example Code

import zmq

# ZeroMQ Context
context = zmq.Context()

# Define the socket using the "Context"
socket = context.socket(zmq.PAIR)
import zmq

# ZeroMQ Context
context = zmq.Context()

# Define the socket using the "Context"
socket = context.socket(zmq.PAIR)

Return to: CFEngine